
Established in - 2011

MarshCreation is a leading consultancy company that provides proper guidance and suggestions to participants in the field of education, art and filmmaking.  Our aim is to provide the right direction to the students in the coming times, give them the right suggestions and help them reach their heights.

“Every participant has something special, they just need a chance to explore it.” 

“To achieve success in art and filmmaking, both guidance and dedication are necessary.”

To provide professional training and coaching to the participants so that they can improve their skills and turn their dreams into reality.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

- Manish Raj Singh


To provide proper guidance and advice to the participants so that they can achieve success in their field. - Creating a supportive and nurturing environment where people can express their thoughts and explore new ideas.


Our vision is to offer an aware and progressive society, where every individual can progress in his/her field of art and education and can fulfil his/her dreams. We try every participant to have confidence in themselves and be able to express their talent to the fullest capacity.
